Thursday, March 8, 2012

Let Me Apologize: A Creator Means A Moral Law, It is Truth, It Is Knowable

Now, I'm going to try to stay away from too much theology, but this is one thing that all Theistic religions (Theistic just means they believe in a Creator God- as opposed to pantheistic religions which believe that the Universe itself is, in some way, God) agree on: A Creator God is Moral, and therefore there is a Moral Law.  Now there are many examples of this in real life.  People will deny it, but they're lying- either to you or to themselves.

The reasoning, however, goes like this: For a Theistic God to exist, He must have certain qualities.  He must be infinite (since he can't be within in the Universe: he created).  He must transcend Time/Space (for the same reason).  He must be able to Choose (if He couldn't choose, he couldn't have Created the Universe).  He must prefer one thing to another (to have chosen to Create the universe).  Now, an entity that can choose, and prefers one thing to another has a moral viewpoint.  In the case of the Creator, His moral viewpoint must, by definition, be the True moral viewpoint.  By extension, that means that whatever God views as Right is Right, and whatever God views as Wrong is Wrong.

Now, if there is a Moral Law that is Truth, and Truth is Knowable, then the Moral Law should- by extension- be knowable, too.  And, when we look, we find that we do know it.  We know it deep down in our bones.  Every time we say that something "isn't fair" we are appealing, however imperfectly, to the immutable, unchangeable Moral Law.  When Hammurabi had his Code chiseled into an obelisk, he was merely codifying the Moral Law that everyone already knew.

And what do we already know?  We know that people, as created beings, have worth in the eyes of their creator.  That worth should not be lightly degraded.  So we oppose things that harm people: from theft (which robs them of their labor), to slavery (which robs them of their freedom), to murder (which robs them of their lives).  We promote things that make people more worthy: self respect and reliance, thrift, industry, moral behavior. 

Now, when we look at the two movements under consideration: the modern Conservative Movement, and the Modern Liberal movement, we find that one upholds the Moral Law much more closely than does the other.  One supports the moral virtues, and one preaches moral relativism.  One is for punishing moral vice, and the other is for coddling it.  One is for rewarding thrift and industry, while the other is for rewarding sloth and vanity.

In short, the modern Conservative Movement- especially the oft denigrated Social Conservatives- is much nearer to the Truth than is the modern Liberal Movement.

Another clue, and another three boxes checked.  Next up: Preserving the Moral Law in Civic Law

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