Thursday, June 21, 2012

A New Series, With a Twist

As many of you know, I actually also write for an online newspaper of sorts: The Axiom Report (conveniently linked in my side-bar).  So, I'm going to try something a little new.

With Obamacare on everyone's minds, all too many Republicans seem to be getting themselves up in a lather to protect "the most popular provisions."  Besides being pure populist pandering, this is stupid: it is precisely the "most popular provisions" which are the worst for health care in the United States.

So I'm going to be taking a look at them, one by one.  Here, at the Dedicated Tenther, you'll find some quick takes and possibly excessive snark.  Then, over on the Axiom Report, you'll be able to find more in depth posts covering the same topics.  With any luck, I'll fulfill the dual goals of posting quality and unique content to both sites, while being able to really get my point across in a way that's somewhat difficult in a blog format (since I don't want to drop 10,000 word epics on you).

Look for the first in the series tomorrow.

And, by the way, don't worry that I won't post anything else here.  My normal day-to-day posts will keep coming.

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